
Want to open flipkart site in mobile browser without downloading flipkart app?

flipkart site in mobile browser without downloading flipkart app
Hi, As we know from few days we cannot access flipkart site from mobile browser. if we trying to access their site it redirect us to playstore or popup shows download flipkart app.
so here the solution for access flipkart site from your mobile browser without lose memory for downloading flipkart app.

one mad geek

Step to open flipkart website from your mobile browser is very simple & easy too.

kindly open this link from your mobile browser : http://www.flipkart.com/?sitevariant=desk

yeah now you will be redirected to flipkart site. There you will not get any irritating message to download flipkart app. select the products and buy now from your mobile browser without the need of app. cheers!!

kindly bookmark this link for later use!!

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  1. Sa
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  1. To insert a code use <i rel="pre">code_here</i>
  2. To insert a quote use <b rel="quote">your_qoute</b>
  3. To insert a picture use <i rel="image">url_image_here</i>