
How to create a G-mail account

Nothing is without E-mail, to be more clear -- > Nothing is without G-mail. Agree right? Yes.. Of course each and every thing (almost all) that we do on net requires mail id. We will have a simple look on creating a id on G-mail in this post.

Hey friends!

Nothing is without E-mail, to be more clear -- > Nothing is without G-mail. Agree right? Yes.. Of course each and every thing (almost all) that we do on net requires mail id. We will have a simple look on creating a id on G-mail in this post.

Main note --> How to get Normal(Premium) AdSense within 3 weeks

How to create a G-mail account

Creating a G-mail account is as simple as that.

Main note --> How to get Normal(Premium) AdSense within 3 weeks

1. Go to  Create account.

2. Fill all the details in the appropriate fields.

How to create a G-mail account

Note:  Its recommended to use the same names for your blog, YouTube channel and your website.

example : 

onemadgeek.blogspot.in - blog

onemadgeek - YouTube channel
onemadgeek.com - website

3. Click on 'Next Step' button.

Main note --> How to get Normal(Premium) AdSense within 3 weeks

Most probably these steps would be enough. Otherwise an OTP (One Time Password) may be sent to your mobile number. You will be asked to verify your mobile number later.

Incoming search terms: How to create a G-mail account, G-mail, G-mail account, G-mail id, Create a Mail

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