How to copy text from Facebook App?
Hey Geeks!
Many a times we find ourselves spending time over the social websites like Facebook, Twitter, Google plus, Linked in, etc. We find our day incomplete without visiting them, isn't we? The top most social website as Facebook has mobile applications for smartphones.
Don't you use them? We do right!! The thing which gives us a frustrating feel every time is that this app doesn't allow you to copy text as status from it. There may be a case where we were reading someone's status and want to copy it and share via other apps like WhatsApp, Hike, etc. You may be experiencing that Facebook App doesn't allow to copy the text.
Generally, in your smartphones you can copy a text by pressing and holding it for sometime. But this doesn't happen in Facebook App. So, here I am with a solution for this. :P
Method 1
A simple way is that instead of using the app you can open the Facebook using your mobile browser. And this would allow you to copy the status and paste it on some other places
Method 2
This method deals with installing some other apps that could allow you to copy from Facebook app.
Copy Paste is an app for Android phones, that allows you to copy the text from Facebook app and paste it in the copy paste clipboard with a single click. In the clipboard, long press on the item to edit, share and delete.
FBCopyTXT is a simple cydia tweak that would allow you to copy the Facebook text in an iphone. Once you install this tweak, launch Facebook app and long press on the post text. Then tap on the copy button.
The drawback of this that you can't copy the selected part of the status and all you can do is paste the entire status and then edit it.
Also read --> Facebook and its fine features
Method 3
This method is the easiest one to use. As most of the people would use the Facebook messenger app, this could be more easier than the other 2 methods. Let us see the steps to do this. First you must have the Facebook messenger app installed on your android device.
1. Open your Facebook app and choose the status you want to copy.
2. Click on the share button below your post.
3. Again click on the share button and then tap on Copy Link to Post button.
4. Open the Facebook messenger app and start a chat for yourself. Paste the link here.
5. Open that link in the messenger. That's it, you are done.
Now, you can copy the Facebook status anywhere form the facebook app as you wish by following any of the above stated methods.
If you have any other clarifications, feel free to comment here. Thanks for reading. Share with your friends!!
Incoming search terms : How to copy text from Facebook App, copy text from app, copy text from Facebook, copy from Facebook, copy Facebook, Facebook copy text, Copy paste from Facebook, FBcopyTXT app, Cydia tweak, Copy paste app, app of Facebook.